The most effective benefit from Credit Card

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There are also some benefits using the credit card. Don’t think that credit card always create the debts for you, because they still make the benefits for you in some ways. First of all the first think I like most from the credit cards is that you can gain the mile to fly with the airways with the amount you pay by the credit cards. Each credit card will set the different rate for you to gain the miles, from one credit card Company I know, the cardholders will get 1 free mile with every cent they spend.

It’s a great deal and also I think with this promotion, it encourage the card holders to spend money every time through the credit cards. I saw a show that one rich girl, she get the free miles to travel all around the world already because she always spend money through her credit card. I think it make benefits for both card holders like us and card issuers like the banks or credit card companies.

In this way, the banks or the credit card companies will get more customers and more chance to get interest from the money that the customers spend and also the card holders like us will get the free miles to travel outside their own countries.

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