Free backup for your computer

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When the economy is bad for everybody we need something that is free. You also need backup your files since a computer crash will cost you more money.


Just cloud is a storage or space provider service on web network. It is an online based backup system like your personal computer where you easily can backed up your various types of files or folders. But the question is how secure your document or file-folder you cannot compromise with the security question about your documents where you store. Besides how can you manage or access into your document, another wise question will be arise in your mind at first. The answers of these questions are your document or files are fully encrypted and security protected in just cloud network by their first class security system. Moreover, it is fully accessible by you from anywhere at any time from any device around the world.


There are three easy steps to complete the procedure after complete the charge free sign up to store your data or document in just cloud. These are
1. just select your document or file through the browsing from your device like computer, laptop etc.
2. after selection of your document you have to upload it on just cloud .
3. and last of all you can browse it anywhere at any time from any device like PC, laptop, mobile phone device etc.


With every just cloud account comes some features that make this simple service super advanced. And because of having these facilities just cloud is a most familiar to millions of people around the world.

1.Unlimited Storage.
2. 100% automated Backup.
3. Encrypted and Secure.
4. Access Files From Anywhere.

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